Taxi Nový Život 0903 106 943
Welcome to our Taxi Nový Život page. We have decided to change the way you look at travel. Taxi Nový Život has set its goals in providing transportation for people and groups to a really high level. With us you will get several advantages. Among others, the highest quality transport services with unquestionable reliability. With us, reliability is not only a word, but also a commitment for the future.
Every kilometre on the road with us will be a comfortable experience, wherever you need to go. We do not limit ourselves to the Bratislava region, but we will take you beyond the borders of our country. Our modern vehicles are kept in top condition around the clock to give you a truly comfortable and safe ride. Quality service is our mission and our reputation gives you the guarantee that Taxi Nový Život is the right choice.
Multi-Passenger taxi Bratislava
Drink taxi
Airport Transfer
Taxi New Life
Comfortable and safe transfers
Whether you travel exceptionally or regularly and are looking for a carrier that will get you everywhere safely and on time, Taxi Nový Život is at your disposal right now. From now on, you don’t have to worry about missing your flight or arriving late for an appointment. Rely on our taxi service and we guarantee that we will become your number one choice.